Cure Autism

Friday, May 30, 2008

Selecting an Autism Diet A Review of Popular Approaches

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Art therapy may be an ideal way to develop social skills, but an autism diet may also be another form of effective treatment. Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy, and like expressive therapy, when it comes to food control, there is more than one type of diet that can be used to treat autism.

Many health practitioners believe that an autism diet may be beneficial treatment. The reason is because most autistics have distorted immune response which causes their body to respond abnormally to certain types of food, viruses and toxins. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for many autistics to suffer from gastrointestinal inflammation and other intestinal disorders. It is thought that these intestinal problems might decrease the body?s ability to absorb specific essential nutrients. Thus, by following a diet and other alternative treatment methods, certain abilities and overall health may be improved in an autistic individual.

The following are 4 autism diets you may want to consider ?

Gluten and Casein Free Diet
Gluten and Casein are both proteins found in many foods which some autistics have a hard time digesting. Gluten occurs in wheat, oat and rye products, while casein is found in human milk, cow milk and many other dairy products. Both of these proteins are also in the ingredients of many medications.

Research has discovered that abnormally high level of specific peptides related to gluten and casein have been found in the urine of autistic children. This could mean that these proteins are not being effectively broken down into amino acids, and this over-absorption of peptide can actually affect brain function. Thus, by removing gluten and casein from the autism diet, this will prevent further gastrointestinal and neurological damage from occurring.

Yeast- Free Diet
Some research is based on the belief that some autistics have high levels of candida albicans (a type of yeast that occurs naturally in the body) in their intestinal tract. A candida overgrowth in the intestines can cause ?leaky gut? syndrome, a condition that causes tiny holes in the intestinal tract. The yeast grows fast and releases toxins in the bloodstream which has the potential to affect brain functioning.

In fact, aside from causing stomach distress, it is thought by some that a candida overgrowth can cause a number of behavioural difficulties such as fatigue, confusion and hyperactivity.

Candida can be controlled naturally through an anti-candida (yeast) diet or with essential oils. In short, an anti-yeast diet involves cutting out all natural and artificial sugars, caffeine, most diary products, preservatives and, of course, yeast products (I.E. bread).

Specific Carbohydrate Diet
This is a science based autism diet, and it involves the cessation of ingesting specific carbohydrates (sugars and starches) that have been found to cause problems within the digestive tract. In addition, carbohydrates are small enough that they can slip by the surface of the small intestine into the blood stream, and can cause abnormal brain function.

This diet limits the amount of carbohydrates ingested and slowly adds them back once the intestinal tract has had time to heal.

Body Ecology Diet (BED)
This particular diet used to treat autism was originally created to treat systemic fungal infections typically caused by Candida overgrowth. It has been used to treat the inflammatory bowel diseases ulcerative colitis and Crohn?s disease, as well as a number of autoimmune diseases and AIDS. Like the other autism diets, the BED works to heal the gastrointestinal system and prevent future infections.

The BED diet involves eliminating gluten and casein from the diet as well as drastically limiting bad fats, carbohydrates and sugars.

It is best to talk to your child?s health care provider to find out which autism diet would be the best course of treatment. It is also important to have your doctor monitor your child?s condition while on a diet treatment. This way you can ask any questions or concerns you may have about the autism diets, and to ensure your child is receiving the sufficient nutrients his/her body requires.

Grab your free copy of Rachel Evans' brand new Autism Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you and your family find out about autism strategies and for information on autism diet please visit The Essential Guide To Autism.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Defining Autism and New Autism Studies Results

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The reported cases of autism seem to be sweeping the country like never before, and autism is frequently seen on the news and in special TV reports. Is there an epidemic going on or is it just that autism is now gaining more visibility? Recent studies indicate that as many as 1 in 162 children have autism to some degree.

The tough part about autism is that it is difficult to diagnose. It?s not like a broken arm where you can take an x-ray and determine yes the arm really is broken. Rather, much of the diagnosis of autism is somewhat subjective, although there are definite signs to indicate that a child has autism or autistic spectrum disorder to some degree. The other tough part is that the degree of autism varies from child to child. The very mild form of autism is known as Asperger?s Syndrome. But regardless of the severity, an accurate diagnosis as early as possible is extremely important, since the child can benefit greatly from different educational methods that are employed for autistic children.

Signs of autism or indications that might lead you to think your child has ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) would be a very unusual response or a lack of response at all to noises and other people. Autistic children do not care to be socially involved with other children or adults, but rather they seem to live in their own world. Another sign is that affected children are engrossed with a toy or particular object. Engrossed may not be the right word however, it is more like they are totally 100% focused on that object, for as long as hours at a time, even an inanimate object.

Autistic children do not like a change of routine. If your child is subject to temper tantrums for what seem like insignificant events, you should examine the change that occurred which may have spurred the tantrum, since autistic children can get very upset and unsettled when their regular routine is interrupted by something else.

There is neither a known cause for autism nor a known cure. It is primarily thought to be a neurological condition and it is not thought to be hereditary. Many people believe that there is a correlation between autism and mercury contamination. The mercury contamination goes back to the normal childhood vaccinations that all children receive before they enter school. There is a preservative that has been used in some of these vaccinations known as Thimerosal which is almost 50% mercury. Although the dangers of mercury are well known, its link to autism is still just a theory and is not supported at this point by any scientific evidence.

A more recent report states that scientists in New Jersey have asserted that children who have been diagnosed with autism seem to be unable to metabolize key fatty acids that fight brain-damaging inflammations. This is an interesting find, although as yet unsubstantiated, since it is known that autism has a tendency to scramble the signals going to the brain and cause them to be interpreted incorrectly. More studies are being conducted, but if this latest study can be validated, a virtual cure for autism could be as simple as a "therapeutic cocktail of fatty acids".

Like anything else, early diagnosis is a key ingredient to finding the help your child needs to fight autism and get the necessary help, particularly during elementary school education, where special schools can provide the type of environment needed by the autistic child, whereas normal public schools are not equipped to provide that type of one-on-one special handling for a particular student.

Jon is a computer engineer who maintain a variety of web sites based on his knowledge and experience. For more information about Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder, please visit his web site at Autism Explained.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Combating Visual Perceptual Disorders In Autism

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Visual perceptions can affect a number of kids that have autism and you should not assume that all autistic children are affected in a certain way since autism can cause unique type of symptoms in different child.

Do your best to match the most accurate remedies according to the signs that is shown in your child.

With the case of visual perception, there are methods available out there for your child to use which can effectively improve their condition. Those approaches let them view the world in a new light thus making learning and understanding of situations smoother than before.

At the same time, utilizing those tactics can possibly control behavioral issues that are associated with autism.

People who have their sensory easily overwhelmed and distorted are also common among the population that are not suffering from autism. This characteristic have brought about many studies on it and over the years there are multiple treatment options that is being made available.

For autistic individuals, they usually discover that the sensory overload that are generated by lights, colors, contrast, shapes and patterns is simply too unbearable and this is the reason why you see them acting out or totally isolating themselves in general.

Complication of the sensory could be due to a genetic condition and what autism did is to naturally enhance it.

What this mean is that if the parents have problem with reading or been treated previously for visual perceptive issues, then the child would almost certainly need help too.

One practical way of treating visual-perceptual disorders is by using the Irlen Method. In a nutshell, this process takes color and then use it to achieve a better harmonized surrounding.

Helen Irlen had pioneered the studies of visual perception and is credited with the discovery of Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS) or also known as Irlen Syndrome.

Have you ever heard of suggestions that improve the speed and technique of your reading by placing a color filter over the page? If you do, then you will comprehend better what the Irlen Method can achieve.

Studies have shown that this method does work. The result can be seen exceptionally well if your autistic child's level of reading is at the intermediate stage.

The idea is to use the color filters and then evaluate whether there is any improvement in reading speed and comprehension. The wave length of lights that are causing discomfort must be eliminated.

Sensitivity to the wrong light or color can lead to fatigue, strain and an environment with higher distortion. Offending colors can be filtered by observing for any positive changes and then implementing the color that works with the individual at all time.

Please keep in mind that the technique require a bit of trial and error effort since you need to determine which color is the one that is is blocking the undesirable light.

Different child will respond differently to the various colors.

The usage of these color filters will usually take place throughout their life. Yearly evaluation is needed to determine the effectiveness of the colors because fading colors means fading benefit.

Other than reading, you may apply it to copying, handwriting or during usage of computer.

Another thing to take note is that your autistic child would probably appreciate the usage of the color filters during the entire day instead of only when reading. There are glasses designed especially for this purpose by having colored lenses.

Beside the filters and lenses, you can also consider using colored light bulbs within the surrounding of an autistic persons who have visual perception condition. A wonderful application to this is when your child is too young with limited language capability thus by observing for any difference in behavior could mean an indication of a problem.

An important aspect to remember here is that an individual with visual perception disorder will prefer and feel more comfortable with indirect natural lighting or incandescent lighting. Avoid fluorescent lightning and maintain a dimly lit room instead of bright.

There are 4 main criteria that the above approach will benefit your child namely depth perception, social integration, education and their physical wellness.

Depth perception is improved when the right colors assist the child to establish how near or far they are from a certain object. Their world will turn more three-dimensional.

In the area of social integration, the autistic child will feel more relaxed. This will give them a conducive environment to clearly interpret expressions on the faces of people around them.

Uncomfortable feeling like light-headedness and headaches can be greatly reduced while reading and the child will feel more motivated during learning session.

All this contribute to them being less stressed out so that their physical well being can develop properly.

There are clinics and professionals all around the world that have been certified in the Irlen Method. Help your child deal better with their autism by carefully testing this method or any other technique and minimize their visual processing problems.

Danial Dawood is involved with various companies and individuals in the area of information management and unique learning resources. If you are struggling to find out more about autism and all you get are those that seems to be written for doctors, outdated and contains only part of the information, then you need to take a look at this complete guide for autism.

Develop a workable plan and put your mind at ease, visit here for more info.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Autism Cause - So, What Exactly Causes Autism Anyway?

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This is a question that has been asked by many people for many years, particularly of late, since the number of autistic children seems to be at an all time high. There have been many research studies conducted to try to find the exact cause of autism, and while there are several theories, none have been proven, as of yet.

Currently, medical researchers are thinking that autism may be caused by a genetic trait, or marker, and there are studies being conducted to try to prove this. It is complicated, because scientists think that autism is caused by several genes, that mix together to cause autism. If you have one child that is already been diagnosed as being autistic, you have about an eight percent chance of other children being autistic as well.

Autism is also seen in children who already have other medical problems, so researchers are also looking at those links as well. Babies or children who have PKU, and don?t get proper medical treatment, have a higher chance of later developing autism, as well as those diagnosed with rubella, toxoplasmosis, or cytomegalovirus, otherwise known as CMV. Not to say that you should panic if your child is diagnosed with one of these conditions, but some children with autism have had these problems as well.

At one time, researchers and physicians also thought that autism could be brought on by severe emotional trauma, such as seeing a horrific accident, neglect, or anything traumatic happening early in a child?s life. Since there was no definitive proof of these theories, they have since been retracted.

Many autistic children who have been tested have been found to have high levels of mercury in their blood, which is one reason why so many believed that childhood vaccines were to blame. Exposure to mercury during early childhood has been linked to many other disorders, such as slow development, Attention Deficit Disorder, and slow language development. The theory is that if exposure to metals such as mercury can cause these neurological issues, then it very well could cause autism too. It is possible to be exposed to metal in your food and water that you consume common pesticides, and other chemicals used around the home.

Other studies have also shown possible linked between the immune system and autism as well. There are some treatment trials being done focusing on boosting the immune system to help lessen the effects and symptoms caused by autism, so that an autistic person or child can function normally.

Still other theories point to food allergies playing a role in autism, but like the many other theories, none have been verified. Still others think that autism may be caused by poor eating habits, or parents not ensuring that their children get the nutrients their bodies need, but that theory has no supporting evidence at the moment, although there have been some autistic patients who have shown improvement when given vitamin therapy.

Basically, what all this means is that no one to this point really knows the exact cause of autism. There are many ideas and theories, but none that have been proven. In the end, we may never really know what the exact cause of autism is; it may end up being a combination of things. That may not give parents a lot of hope for the future, but it is all we really have at this time, unsupported theories and maybes.

If you enjoyed reading about Autism Cause, and want to read more about Autism, visit


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Monday, May 26, 2008

Autism Tests And Dyslexia Tests

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As a parent of an autistic child I would like to alert other parents to the fact that there are inexpensive tests available for their children.

The site we found is and it offers lots of helpful information about these afflictions as well as the games.

As a parent of a Autistic child I found this was immense help. My child found these games non-threating and had fun with them . In the parents section l found a lot of great answers to your questions regarding the afflictions. The FAQ section gave some great advice on what to do if the game's indicated that my child might have a problem. The site also recommends we see a specialist if the test show unfavorable results .

Autism Speaks is also a good source for information , but does not offer any direct help to you, it is most fund rasing for medical research. The Doug Flutie Foundation is also a good source of information. In addition you can try the National Dyslexia Foundation for more information.

However the website was the best site we found after endless searching of the web, and library resources. If your concerned and want to find out if your child is at risk this is the least expensive way we found to test our child.

Autism strikes at all of us who are concerned about children worldwide. It is the fastest growing affliction in children and sometimes goes undetected until help is almost beyond reach.

Good luck and I hope you find the help your looking for.


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Friday, May 23, 2008

About Glyconutrients Autism

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There is no known cause for autism, but new studies are being performed all of the time in hopes of finding an answer that may either provide a cure, or perhaps to help make life easier for those who are diagnosed. There are many theories, but none have been proven thus far. That does not mean these theories are right, or that they are wrong, but further evaluation needs to be done before anything concrete can be said. However, there are some who believe that glyconutrients might play a part in why some develop autism. They feel that when there is a lack of glyconutrients, autism is sometimes a result.

Glyconutrients are another name for the sugars that you get in your diet. These often help keep the body working effectively, and also help keep the auto immune system working properly. Some feel that children simply don?t get what they need, and some believe this contributes to autism. This conclusion is drawn because autism is believed to be an autoimmune problem. The belief is that the weak immune system, as a result of lack of proper amounts of glyconutrients, leads to a child having problems with autism.

Some research suggests that up to three fourths of the disease in the world are due to free radicals. These are things that are foreign to the body, and the body must get rid of them to remain healthy. These include preservatives in foods, toxins in the air, and all sorts of things introduced into the system through the course of an average day. If the autoimmune system is not working properly, these toxins remain in the body. If the body is not getting enough glyconutrients to help keep the immune system healthy, these toxins build up quickly.

Some believe that these glyconutrients should be supplemented in some children (especially those considered to be picky eaters) to help boost the immune system. This will allow the body to flush out the toxins that enter to help the child remain healthier in all respects. It is not known if something like this might stop a child from developing autism, but some believe that this might be the key to helping them reverse some of the symptoms. There are testimonials you can find from parents who have tried it with good results, and others say that this made no difference.

Please remember that there is no scientific basis for using glyconutrients as a help for autism as of yet. Though these can do many wonderful things, it is something best left to your doctor. If you think this is something that you want to try to help your child, please have a discussion with your doctor about the pros and cons, and about the latest research. This, like many other things, can be dangerous if done improperly. You should always have medical guidance if you want to try to supplement glyconutrients. Autism is something that no family wishes for, but it is a reality for many. Perhaps this will be the answer, but only time, and more research, will tell the tale.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on glyconutrients autism. In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Is There A Link Between Folic Acid and Autism?

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The number of children that have been diagnosed with autism in the last ten years has risen quite dramatically. There is a lot of ongoing research, but there is no concrete solution for a cure, nor has anyone found the cause of this condition. There are many theories floating around, and though some sound plausible, there is yet to be anything determined in the way of research. One theory suggests that the mercury additive in some vaccinations might be the problem, though that has been largely ruled out. Another strong theory is that there may be some sort of link between folic acid and autism in some children.

This theory is tricky, because folic acid is something that all women should have while they are pregnant, including the period while they are trying to conceive.

It is proven that a lack of folic acid during early pregnancy can cause birth defects like spina bifida and Down?s syndrome. There has a been a lot of noise generated about telling women to take this as a supplement so they can lower the chances of giving birth to a child with birth defects. This approach has worked very effectively, as less children are being born with these serious birth defects, but there are some that think this excessive intake of folic acid might be the root cause of autism for some children.

Folic acid in found naturally in some vegetables and fruits. However, a lot of people just don?t get enough from these sources, either because they don?t eat enough or because there is less folic acid in fresh produce than historically due to intensive farming methods. This has led some companies to start to supplement other foods with this vital nutrient so women could get the proper amount through their diet.

At the same time, doctors are suggesting a folic acid supplement for some women as a way to ensure they get enough. The result might be too much of a good thing, and the theory that this leads to autism is a troubling one. There is a belief that too much folic acid can lead to changes in the fetus on a chromosomal level that in turn may lead to autism.

The message about folic acid preventing birth defects was well received, and those supplemented foods are a direct result. A woman concerned about her pregnancy might eat enough fruits and vegetables, eat the fortified foods, and then take a supplement to boot. That will inevitably lead to too much folic acid within the system. Besides the theory about chromosomal changes, another theory states that too much of this promotes excess brain cell production. When there are too many cells, the connections between the cells essential for function do not form as they should. The theory is that this too could be a cause of autism.

Sign up for the free autism newsletter below and discover all the latest research into autism and natural treatment options that are available.

Women reading this should remember that though this theory about folic acid is spreading, there is no evidence at this point that it is true. It is advisable never to refrain from getting sufficient folic acid or there is the risk of a baby with birth defects.

A better solution would be to talk to a doctor about any concerns you might be have regarding folic acid and autism, and to find a way to be sure enough is ingested without getting too much. Discuss your current diet with your doctor so they can recommend an eating plan and also a supplement if needed.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on folic acid and autism. In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How to Balance an Autism Diet

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There are many autistic children who are very picky eaters and have odd autism diet foibles. This is not just another problem with behavior, though it might seem like it at first. This is often something that happens for simpler reasons, and some of them are correctable.

A child who is not eating enough of the right foods is not getting the nutritional intake they need to remain healthy, and parents must do what they can to establish a more balanced diet.

There are times when there is a medical reason behind the picky eating, and it might mean talking to a doctor about nutrition and how to make sure the right foods are in a child?s diet.

Some children who won?t eat are simply not hungry. Sometimes this is just the way it is, but more often than not, there may be a medication to blame. Some children with autism also have ADHD and they may be on mediations for that purpose. Some of the medications for this condition will suppress appetite, along with others drugs like antibiotics. If this is the suspected problem, there may be alternative medications that can be given that will not have the same affect on the child?s hunger. Talk to your doctor about this.

There are also some autistic children that have very sensitive digestive systems. They may have problems with acid reflux, and this can make eating hard for them.

They may also have problems in the intestines that lead to constipation, loose stools, or gas and bloating. They learn to associate these feelings with eating, and that makes them not want to eat.

In this case, it might just take something as simple as a course of acid reflux medication to get them feeling better and eating more. As a natural alternative you could try ginger to help soothe the system, ask your doctor for more advice.

Sometimes eating is not something a child looks forward to because they have poor motor skills and can?t get the foods into their mouth with ease, and they may have problems with chewing and swallowing. They may gag or choke and they will avoid eating to avoid those things. When that happens, therapy sessions with a oral-motor therapist might be the answer to the child?s eating problems.

Some children simply cannot stand the textures of foods, and they may be hyper sensitive to almost all sensations associated with eating. Finding a way to desensitize the mouth can help, and quite often liquids can be taken in by the use of a straw.

Keep reading to sign up for the free Autism newsletter that addresses the signs and symptoms of autism and discover natural treatment options available, as well as more information on the link between diet and autism.

When parents have concerns, they need to consult with their physician about what they should do first. New medications might be found that will not affect the appetite, and there may be additional medications that can help with an upset digestive system.

There are supplements that a doctor might suggest to restore balance and give important vitamins and minerals. Sometimes little things can help restore a good autism diet to help a child remain healthy and strong, but before giving supplements, it is important to find out how much they should have and how often they should have it.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on autism diet. In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Autism and Diet - What Are Your Options?

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When, as parents, you hear your child has autism, the first response is usually one of shock even though you may have had concerns that led to the diagnosis. After the shock wears off, you?ll probably be looking for things that can help your child. Unfortunately, information regarding a cure or even the root cause of autism is not yet known, so many parents turn to differing treatment options and there are a number of theories that suggest there is a link between autism and diet. More specifically that a special diet called GFCF that might help children with autism in many ways.

GFCF stands for gluten free casein free. Following a GFCF diet means foods with those proteins are eliminated from your child?s daily diet. Sounds simple right? Well, unfortunately it?s actually pretty difficult to do.

The problem is that these proteins are commonly found in foods that most of us eat each day, and therefore the diet can be somewhat restrictive.

Casein is found most commonly in milk and milk products like ice cream and cheese that are made with milk. Gluten is found in grains and also in oats and barley. It is also found in soy products, and many additives that are put in foods for coloring, flavor, or as a preservative. Both these proteins also appear in other food sources as well meaning you have to become an avid label reader.

Though studies are on going, there is no conclusive link between the GFCF diet and improvement for autistic children just yet. However, what is known is that some autistic children find if very difficult to digest these types of proteins in the same way as others can, and can lead the body to treat them as if they are poisonous.

Having this reaction to these proteins might lead to problems with bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Some also believe that these have an impact on social and emotional problems that are very common in children and adults struggling with autism.

Before removing any foods in order to follow a GFCF diet, it is a good idea to get approval from a doctor. The doctor might want to keep a close eye on the child because many important nutritional elements like calcium might be missing from the diet once milk is removed.

There are other foods that can supplement calcium, and a doctor can help with adding foods back to replace what following such a diet can miss. Vitamins and minerals are important to any eating plan, and if they are lacking, a child will suffer in other ways.

Continue reading for more information about GFCF diets and sign up to the newsletter for additional information on managing autism with dietary changes.

Some parents? report astounding changes in both physical and emotional problems, while others say that nothing changed when trying the GFCF diet. There are some in the middle that say the elimination diet helped with one problem but not others. How each child will react cannot be known until the diet is tried.

However, before jumping in and restricting your child?s diet to see if there is a link between autism and diet, parents should talk to the doctor and remember that the results for other families have been mixed. As long as a physician is overseeing the diet, and the child is receiving regular check ups, there should be no harm in trying the diet to see if it works.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on autism. In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Signs And Symptoms Of Autism

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Parents suspect an abnormality in their children?s development around 18 months but see a doctor at the age of 2 of the child and the autistic disorder's only diagnosed at about 3-4 years when the child patient a lack of communication skills, lack of interest for social interaction, playing difficulties and a tendency towards aggressiveness to others and to themselves. In the regressive type of autism, children develop normally until the age of 2 when a pregnant regression of all the gained skills occurs.

Autistic patients are extremely sensitive to signals like sounds, light, smells, touch or taste. A hypersensitivity of the skin is sometimes marked by the refusal of wearing clothes that might injure their skin. They resist changes in their routine environment and can become aggressive if parents or caretakers try to force them into something. They can get really nervous when pushed to wear clothes that itch their sensitive skin.

The development of communication skills is insufficient to allow them start and maintain conversations. Their language is slow or absent, some words are repeated many times without any significance, nonsense rhyming can be observed and the pronoun inversion is typical for the autistic disorder. The attention is very shortly concentrated and they tend to use gestures and signs instead of words for communication.

Autistic children are unable to understand other person?s emotions and cannot understand why they feel differently about certain things. They even show types of empathy when people seem to know things that are unknown to them. They often have difficulties in making friends and are mostly withdrawn in their own personal worlds showing no interest to happenings around them. They usually prefer spending the time on their own; pay almost no attention to smiles and eye-contact.

All autism sufferers tend to mouth objects or rub surfaces and are extremely sensitive to light, sound, smell and touch. They are usually immune to pain and show little response to high painful stimuli. Autistic children do not react to loud noises but are highly irritated by some regular sounds like the one made by the vacuum cleaner. Physical contact is mostly overwhelming or over stimulating for them and they refuse cuddling, touching and kissing.

They show no interest for imaginative play and usually tend to repeat the playing actions of other children. They tend to prefer solitary and rithualic games with repetitive actions. Their high need for sameness and refusal of normal persons around them are all very obvious. They have repetitive movements of the body and demonstrate perseveration in obsessive interests. They show lack of common sense, aggression to others or themselves and even an overactive or a passive behavior.

For greater resources on Autism or especially about autism symptoms checklist please click this link

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Autism and Intelligence

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While the average IQ rate of the population seems to be about 100, patients with autism mostly have a decreased one due to the learning disability or creating the disabilities; some of the autistics though have shown a normal or even high IQ rate. From this reason many sufferers from the Asperger syndrome are able to lead a normal life.

The autistic disorder is usually diagnosed during childhood, especially around the age of 3-4 when parents notice an abnormal behavior in their children. Some children however can remain undiagnosed until the age of 12 and the medical treatment is mostly hard to begin at this age. Many autistic children are only diagnosed after going to school as they show their poor social skills or a challenging behavior. Especially patients with the milder form called Asperger syndrome can remain undiagnosed until later opportunities occur.

No exact method of autism diagnose is known. Still, doctors must firstly eliminate other conditions by performing hearing and blood tests. Autism is diagnosed by the close observation of the behavior, social skills and ability to communicate. Parents and specialists must work together to identify a possible autistic disorder. If suspicion of autism persists, the child will be seen by a group of specialists such as a pediatrician, a child psycho loge and psychiatrist, a speech therapist and an educational expert. Every autistic child must have his personal caretaker which will closely observe the patient?s assessment and progresses.

An appropriate treatment for autism includes education, special behavior and speech training and even medications in some cases. Children with autistic disorders require special care in an appropriate school environment or in regular schools with additional help if the symptoms are moderate. The progresses of the patients very much depend on a well organized structure of the classes and classrooms. Schools must also use methods to help the patients find new ways of expressing themselves.

An adequate behavior therapy can only be provided by a clinical psychologist and will help the family to better understand the child?s needs. Some neurovegetative abnormal actions can be controlled by medications. Autistic children have frequent outbursts of aggressiveness, obsessions, hyper agitation and hyperactivity of their behavior. Used for a longer period of time, these drugs can show dangerous side-effects like provoking obsessions and repetitive actions.

Other therapeutic approaches are known, but they are however not approved by medical organizations as their benefits are not been proven. Music therapies can help calming down the patients while symbols and pictures might improve the communication skills. Another unscientifically proved method of treating autism symptoms is the use of the Secretin hormone.

The autistic child requires permanent care and the parent will need another qualified persons to help with the child?s observation. Caretakers of patients with such disorders are also entitled to an allowance for disabilities.

For greater resources on Autism or especially about signs of autism please click this link

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Signs and Symptoms of Autism and Autistic Disorders

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Autism is the most classical condition from the group of autism spectrum diseases, including the Asperger syndrome, the Rett syndrome, the Childhood disintegrative disorder and the pervasive developmental disorder. The most important and frequent characteristics of autism are impaired social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication difficulties, repetitive actions, unusual interests and limited actions.

Male children have a four times more increased risk of developing autism than little girls. According to studies, a number of about 1-3 children in one thousand subjects are susceptible of developing autistic disorders.

The most important signs of autism can show different difficulty grades, from mild forms to severe cases. Autistic children have problems in interacting with other children or persons due to a disease triggered impaired social interaction ability. Verbal and nonverbal communications skills are very limited and they most often try to express themselves by signs and pictures. These children have most commonly repetitive interests and activities and their actions and thoughts are narrow and obsessive.

The impossibility of a regular social interaction with parents, children and family and first noticed by the caretakers around the age of three when the initial autistic obvious symptoms occur. Autistics are unable to make connections, play or talk to other persons around the. Parents start to notice a tendency of their child to exclude others and live alone in his interior world. They do not pay attention to other people and their capacity to maintain focus for a longer time is limited; other persons? interests and actions are uninteresting to them.

Many of the pediatric patients touched by autism have developed normally during the first life years and at 3-4 years have suddenly become to show symptoms of an autistic disorder. Many parents are alarmed by this sudden change in their child?s behavior and cannot explain his sudden annoyance of others.

Most children with this disorder avoid eye contacts with any person and usually do not respond to their name. They have difficulties integrating voice, facial mimics, and expressions and are thus unable to understand what interlocutors feel, think or desire. They also avoid watching other people?s faces to rely on certain clues about their behavior.

In periods of high nervous excitation, autistics succeed in hurting themselves by banging their heads against walls or by bites. Sometimes they show repetitive, senseless and obsessive movements like rocking or spinning. They start to speak later than expected from a child their age and when they do, they use the name instead of personal pronouns like ?me? or ?I?. Their sensitivity to pain is minimal, but they can be very sensitive to normal stimuli like sound, light or touch; they avoid being hugged and cuddled.

For greater resources on Autism or especially about signs of autism please click this link

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Understanding Autism and Irrational Fears: 5 Ideas You Can Try Today

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The following are 5 common fears suffered by autistics, and how you can effectively handle the situation to create a more positive experience for your child.

1. Fear of the dentist ? Many autistic children are afraid of the dentist. This shouldn?t be too surprising, considering the dentist can be hard to take for the average person.

Understanding autism and fear of the dentist is a matter of introducing your child to the right dentist. You need to find a dentist who is experienced with children with disabilities, particularly autism. If you have trouble finding a dentist with such experience, your best option is to choose one who has compassion and a willingness to learn.

Overcoming the dentist fear is about slowly introducing your child to the environment. The first few visits should only consist of getting your child to sit in the chair and the dentist looking in his/her mouth. Furthermore, distractions such as TV can help make the process easier to take. This process can take several months.

2. Fear of the dark ? Many autistic children fear the dark because they can?t control it and fear the unknown.

To help your child overcome this fear, try a game of peek-a-boo with the blanket, allowing your child to move from dark to light at their control. Other methods that may work in understanding autism fears of the dark include providing your child with a flashlight, lamp or nightlight.

3. Fear of loud sudden noises ? Loud sudden noises such as a fire alarm or thunder, often startles and upsets autistics. Sensitivity to sound may be desensitized through sound recording. Provide your child with a recording of the sound that upsets him/her and allow them to start the sound and slowly increase its volume. Having control over the playback of sound can help the child become familiar with the noise, allowing them to recognize it when it occurs.

4. Fear of looking at people ? Many autistics don?t look directly at others. Many researchers believe this is because autistics cannot accurately interpret expressions and emotions. Thus, autistics generally find it disturbing to look at people?s faces.

New studies on understanding autism have found that autistics respond well to cartoons that feature trains and cars that have people?s faces superimposed on them. These particular cartoons known as ?The Transporters? have been particularly successful at helping autistics learn about emotions.

5. Fear of socializing ? One of the biggest autistic fears is socializing. This means that it is often difficult for them to make friends. The following are ways you can help encourage them to socialize with those their own age:
- Encourage your child to get phone numbers of some of his/her schoolmates and bring them home so you can make calls.
- Schedule a playtime or invite another family of a fellow schoolmate over to your home for brief interaction (2 hour limit)
- Don?t rely on the friendship of only one child. Invite more than one child over.
- Ask your child what he/she wants to do when the friend comes over. Create a list of activities so things remain entertaining. Just remember, you need to teach your child to be flexible and accept suggestions from others. This can take time.

The more knowledge people have in understanding autism, the easier it will be for your child to make and keep friends.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up today for a free newsletter and discover how understanding autism can help you help your child. On the site you'll find more information about high functioning autism and methods for learning to cope with autism symptoms.

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Treatment In Cases Of Autism

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Treatment for autism cases is quite variable this days. Choosing a specific way of treating someone is done according to some factors : the behavior of the patient, the development stage in witch he is and possible medications that that person can take. In trying to treat children with autism parents and doctors must do the best they can with what is available for them. Each child must have a specific program just for him in order to have a good chance of combating the disease.

Beginning to treat the most early of symptoms is very crucial in all patients; left untreated some behaviors may later on need extreme measures. It is well documented that children with autism may at one point or another start developing aggressive behaviors. The most early of treatments is needed if chances exist in preventing medication usage later on or even institutionalization.

The family must be very strong and organized when dealing with autistic children. The members must try the best they can to make the child change its behavior and not the other way around. If the family becomes behaviorally disrupted chances for the child patient to ever become normal and to be accepted is society drop drastically.

Sometimes family members must be quite harsh or severe in their attempts of changing the behavior of the autistic child. Still they must do their best in changing any particular behavior pattern in the child that is potentially correctable. This days certain treatments exist in facilitating the patients cure. This way they can use treatments that include ABA, either speech therapy or behavioral therapy and of course special education.

The medication use in autistic children must also be researched ahead of time because the reaction to the drugs can be very unexpected and different from other drugs. Each drug has its specific role in combating this awful illness. In the cases of hyperactive children some drugs are available to reduce their physical activities and thus improve the attention span towards education and treatment.

Certain aggressive compulsive behaviors may be treated by administering antidepressants. This kind of medicine greatly increases the levels of serotonin in the brain of the patient. Studies have showed that in comparison to other placebo treatments, the usage of antidepressants has proven very effective. They are considered to be the safest medication available now.

Different treatment do exist at this time and they include integration training, vitamin and mineral treatments and some injections that have yet to be revealed. Cases have been known where children suffering from this disease improve spontaneously. Studies must be done in order to see better if the changes where as a result of treatment or just an abnormal reaction of the autistic patient.

For greater resources on Autism or especially about autism symptoms please click this link

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Causes and Diagnosis of Autism

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Autism is the most characteristic condition of the autistic spectrum disorders and is defined by impaired social interaction, obsessive and narrow interests, repetitive actions and difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication. Children with autism are mostly diagnosed at the age of 3 when they show symptoms of an increased sensitivity to sound, light and touch and decreased sensation of pain. They avoid other children, resost cuddling, cannot understand other person?s needs and feelings.

The exact causes of autism are not yet known to scientists but they tend to incriminate for the occurrence of these disorders of both genetically and environmental factors. A series of genes on the chromosomes have been identified to be connected to the causes of autism. Also irregularities in certain brain areas have been matched to these type of disorders. According to some particular studies, an important trigger of autistic disorders is a low level of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain tissues. The genes responsible for the growth and interaction of the brain tissues and neurons could be blamed for an abnormal intrauterine development leading to later manifestations of some fetal life problems.

Another theory of the parental practices responsible for the apparition of autism is still discussed and researched. All theories regarding the cause of autism are still preliminary and yet to be proven.

Autistic disorders can appear in mild to severe forms or be masked by other handicaps. Diagnose is not always easy and certain. The clinical diagnose is established according to a list of the most characteristic signs. The group of symptoms orienting a specialist towards diagnose of autism consists of certain behavioral and physical changes. This group contains an impaired ability to make connections with other children or begin and sustain a conversation, the absence of imaginative social play methods, stereotyped and repetitive actions, limited interests, unusual language skills, obsessions regarding particular few objects and incapacity to accept certain rituals and routine changes.

Doctors use questionnaires or other screening instruments to evaluate the observations made by parents or by both parents and doctors. Certain questions regarding behavior and development are asked and related to obvious observations. A further evaluation when the suspicion of autism persists must be performed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of neurologists, psychiatrist, speech analyst and other professionals. A hearing evaluation must be completed in order to eliminate disorders caused by hearing difficulties.

After the completion of the testing, the parents are informed about results and possible therapy methods.

For greater resources on Autism or especially about autism symptoms checklist please click this link

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Understanding The Characteristics And Symptoms Of Autism

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The research collected by professional health organizations indicate that autism, or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) affects approximately 1 out of every 166 children in America. Those numbers would then further indicate that an amazing 1.5 million American children have autism to a certain degree. It is noteworthy that many of these cases of autism have not been diagnosed. The annual growth rate of autism is greater than 14%, meaning it has become a major developmental disability for today?s children.

The occurance of autism is not limited to children, nor does it seem to afflict any particular person based on race or social structure/class. Autism also does not appear to be a result of any injury or accident that may have involved trauma. One thing that is known, however, is that boys are about 4 times more likely to have autism than girls.

So that you can understand how to work with a patient afflicted with autism, it is necessary to understand some background about what autism is and what signs an afflicted person shows. In a core sense, autism is just one of several things known as a cognitive disability or cognitive disorder.

Such a disorder has a negative impact on the child?s ability to learn and develop normally, particularly from the aspect of social interaction. Typically, autism can be diagnosed as early as age 3 in most children, and impairs how the brain reacts to certain stimuli. In that sense, autism is thought to be a neurological disorder. The most prominent signs of autism are difficulty in both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Difficult with verbal communication is self-explanatory, but in the non-verbal sense, this deals with the difficulty in having social interactions with other people.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder or ASD is crucial to be diagnosed as early as possible in the child?s life, especially when you consider that there are varying degrees of autism, ranging from very mild to severe. If the presence of autism is diagnosed early, the parents of the child can make arrangements to allow the child to benefit from professionals at school, perhaps even a specialized school, where the teachers have received training in autism and understanding how to teach the autistic child.

There are many thoughts about autism and there are also many myths about it. One of those myths is that children who are autistic are "dumb" or have a low IQ. This is not true at all. In terms of academic intelligence, an autistic child can score at the same level as his classmates. Do you remember the movie titled "Rain Man" with Dustin Hoffman, where he was autistic? Although Dustin Hoffman did an excellent job in showing the lack of social interaction and many of the other signs of an autism patient, he was also absolutely brilliant with numbers and in the casino.

There are several characteristics that autistic people will display that can be a clue to the potential presence of autism. Unfortunately, there are no conclusive laboratory tests that can definitively state whether or not a person has autism, simply because it really is a neurological disorder. Such characteristics include, as discussed above, difficulty in verbal and non-verbal communication, distinct resistance to change in schedule or routine, an abnormally low threshold for pain, difficulty or discomfort in making eye contact, and a tendency to fixate on a particular object for very long periods of time.

It is critical to get a child suspected of being autistic diagnosed as early as possible so that an effective course of treatment can be started.

Jon is a computer engineer that maintains many web sites based on his knowledge and experience in various areas. For more information about Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder, please visit his web site at Autism Explained.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Autism - A Problem That Needs More Scientific Study

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Statistics say that there are more than a half million people in the U.K. affected by autism, and the number of diagnosed cases is rising rapidly. It was seen that boys are four times more likely than girls to have autism, and twelve times more predisposed to have asperger syndrome. Autism is a lifelong disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to other people. People with autism have problems with social interaction and with imagination. People with autism can say that reality is confusing, and it is difficult to interact with people, places, events, sounds and lights.

The causes for autism are not clear at this time, no one knows if there is an external factor like diet, an infection or exposure to toxins in the home that can lead to autism. There exists the suspicion that there are genetic factors involved.

It is known that the degree of this disability varies. That is why the term autistic spectrum disorder or ASD is often used. For example there are people with classic autism, that may have severe learning disabilities or little speech. Other people, that have Asperger syndrome could be able to live and work independently and may have an average or above average intelligence.

Many parents of children having autism may experience a serious dilemma: there exist a lot of websites on the internet, there are a lot of practitioners from private surgeries, that offer treatments or sustain that they can even cure autism. Of course this may be a lie, and that is why the decision is hard to take. The problem is that there is not enough information about autism, scientific trials have to be done in the future. It is good to know that there exists a large number of support groups, charities and web sites made for people with autism and by the people with autism.

It was seen that the number of persons diagnosed with autism is rising rapidly, but, unfortunately, there is still too little knowledge about this condition. The autism is affecting the way a person communicates and relates to other people, but the factors that cause this are not known. There are only some suspicions, like the possibility that genetic factors to be involved, but we will find the real causes that lead to this condition only after more researches will be done.

For more information about autism please review or even

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

What Are The Different Autism Types in Children

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As more and more is understood about autism, it would seem there are more and more autism types. Though the term autism is a blanket term, there are different degrees. No two children with this condition will be exactly the same, but there can be similarities. Some children are very high functioning, and they have very few problems, and there are others who seem almost unreachable. These different autism types do have different names, and there are more and more things being learned about each of them.

Asperger?s Disorder

Asperger?s is a relatively new diagnosis, and you might hear this term many times when you hear about autism. People with this type of autism are usually socially awkward and do not mix well with others. They tend to have an obsessive interest in patterns of all types. However, they do have good language skills and have great adaptation skills. They are, however, often impaired somewhat when it comes to motor skills. This is often misdiagnosed as other things like Attention Deficit Disorder or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It is also thought that those with Asperger?s have a sort of genius. They normally have a talent that they spend much of their time on. Some suggest that Albert Einstein may have had Asperger?s.

Kanner?s Syndrome (classic autistic disorder)

This was named for Dr. Kanner, who first put a name to this disorder in the 1930s and 40s. This is probably the most well known type of autism, and the one many think of when they hear the term. These children seem to have extremely limited emotional outreach or connections with others. They thrive on exact routines, and have learning disabilities. They are often fascinated with objects and movements. Kanner?s Syndrome is often the lowest functioning end of the disorder, and these children (and adults) tend to be very drawn into themselves and have extremely limited communication skills. They often get agitated if the do not eat the same foods and watch the same things on television day in and day out.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder--Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).

The differences between this type of autism and classic autism are very slight indeed. Children diagnosed as having PDD-NOS tend to display the same characteristics with only really doctors and researchers able to distinguish the differences. The type of care and interventions required will be similar.

Rett?s Syndrome

Rett?s is fairly uncommon, and seems to be diagnosed exclusively in girls. It was named for Dr Rett of Australia. These girls often have severe muscular problems, and are prone to autistic behaviors. They may make and do obsessive things with their hands on a constant basis. Those with Rett?s will be very low functioning and will probably need life long care, as they are usually mentally retarded. Though this condition has been known since the 60s, a gene thought to be responsible was found in the late 90s.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

This happens to children who appear to be healthy at birth. Somewhere between the ages of two and four they suddenly regress. They may not potty train, and they lose the ability to socialize with other children. All speech development may stop, or even regress. They may also lose interest in playing and have problems with motor skills that they once had mastered.

These are a few of the more common autism types, but there are others out there. Each comes with its own unique set of challenges, and each child is different. These traits will go on into adulthood, and many will require lifelong care, and even though they may show a strong sense of independence, the mundane things we can all do for ourselves seem to be lost in the shuffle of repetition and routine.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on autistic.In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Can Adults Be Diagnosed With Autism?

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Though we have known about Autism for a while now, much of it is still misunderstood. The classic form of autism has been known for quite some time, and when someone has it, it is rather obvious. However, the higher functioning type of autism known as Asperger?s is a something that the medical community is just now learning a lot about. It was not understood for a long time, and was often misdiagnosed. Since this condition has not been historically recognized by the medical community for a long time, the question seems to be, ?Can adults be diagnosed with autism??

The answer to that question is yes. However, this can be hard. There are some doctors who do not really think that Asperger?s is a real condition, or they simply do not have the knowledge they need to diagnose a child or an adult. Generally speaking, those with high functioning autism can slip under the radar. Parents might not think there is anything wrong other than their child is a little different. They chalk this up to personality and don?t consider there might be something else going on.

Because high functioning patients with autism often blend in rather well, they might go undetected for a very long time. Others in their life might think they are a little odd, and may find them to be shy or socially awkward. Otherwise, they are intelligent and independent, and seem much like anyone else. They are probably going through their own personal trials however, and may be diagnosed with different mental conditions like depression or OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). They probably find that even though they can socialize some, they would rather be alone.

An adult with autism can display many traits that others use to label them as different. These are mostly related to their socialization skills. They often don?t understand humor or double meanings very well. They often talk about inappropriate topics, and repeat themselves quite a lot. They may have nervous tics, and have problems with eye contact. They are also very exacting, but have problems with motor skills and are considered to be clumsy. They also have severe anxiety that bubbles away and surfaces frequently.

If you or someone you know has problems such as these, there may be a chance that they have a form of Autism. Someone who suspects they might have this condition might feel better if they are properly diagnosed, and it might help those around them understand them a lot better. There are some websites that offer tests a person can take online, and there are resources for choosing a doctor.

The first stop might be to go talk to someone. If a doctor will not take the query seriously, it is time to move on to another doctor until one is found who will help. Once diagnosed, there are many groups that offer support and help for those struggling with autism. Can adults be diagnosed with autism? Certainly. Do they have a hard time finding a doctor that will listen? Sometimes, but it?s worth persevering.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on aspergers.In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Diagnosing Autism - What Steps To Take

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Most children with autism are diagnosed at or before age three. There are times when it is obvious that there might be a problem, and other times things can go unnoticed. Children with classic autism have signs and symptoms that are rather obvious. However, those with higher functioning forms like Asperger?s may not show signs that are not so easy to pick up on. No matter why type of function these children have, there are some things that are used in diagnosing autism that will be noticed in all children. Parents with concerns should see a doctor for proper diagnosis.

Parents are the first step in diagnosis, but doctors may notice problems before a parent. There are many signs they can see as early as age one. A child with autism will be slow to speak or communicate, if they do so at all. They may be over stimulated or under stimulated by noises and actions. They may play alone, and they may also use repetitive motions. Some children might also be super sensitive to touch, and may cry out when held. Others may have tantrums that seem to come from things that other children handle well. Sometimes the smallest change in daily routine can trigger a tantrum. They might also ignore others, and cannot seem to maintain eye contact with anyone they don?t know. Many have problems with delayed motor skills, and might appear to be very clumsy.

There are some things that must be eliminated first. A hearing test might be one of the first things tested, as a lack of hearing can explain some behaviors and signs. A child might be non-verbal because they can?t hear, and this would also explain why they don?t react to noises and other stimuli. Genetic testing might also be done to see if there is a different explanation for many of the signs of developmental delay. A child might also be tested for seizure disorders.

After this type of testing is done, and everything else is eliminated, autism is diagnosed by behaviors. There is no medical test that can pinpoint it, and it is more of a process of elimination than anything. A doctor will study and ask for details about behaviors related to the child and determine what type of autism that child might have, and how high or low functioning they might be. The categories that will be looked at are communication, socializations, and overall behaviors.

A parent who is concerned should see their doctor about diagnosing autism as soon as they can. Most children are diagnosed by age four, but some can be diagnosed sooner. An early diagnosis means that the child can begin treatments at a younger age, and this can greatly improve the quality of life. This is especially true for the higher functioning children with Asperger?s. Though there is no cure for autism, there are some programs these children and parents can use to help with communication and socialization problems. Though it is a difficult diagnosis to accept, early treatment is best.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information about diagnosing autism. In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Autism Vaccine? - Could My Child's Autism Have Been Caused by a Vaccine?

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It is a sad but true fact; many more children are being diagnosed with autism each year. Autism comes in many different forms, but regardless of the symptoms it causes; it is a very serious and life-altering disorder, both for the parents or caregivers of the child, and obviously, the child itself. Some of the children who have autism don?t develop social skills as they should, and have a hard time interacting with other people, adults and children. Some autistic children have difficulty with repetitive behaviors, and others even have language problems, affecting the way they communicate. Some people only have mild cases of autism, and are able to fully function in modern society, while others require constant care for the rest of their lives. Many doctors and researchers have theorized that there is a significant link between autism and vaccines, but currently there is no hard evidence to prove such a link.

There have been several research studies done over the years, trying to determine the exact cause of autism, but to date, no one has been able to definitively prove that autism is caused by childhood vaccinations. In fact, at one time autism was believed to be linked specifically to the measles vaccine, and a study was conducted in 1997 to verify that fact. Just the opposite was proved, evidence was found that clearly proved that there was no way that autism could be caused by the measles vaccine, not was it to blame for any other type of neurological disorder or malady.

Another study was done in 1998, trying again to prove a link between common childhood vaccines and autism, but no links were found. This study did claim to find proof that some intestinal deformities and developmental delays often began shortly after being vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, but this study came under fire in the medical community. One of the problems that this study came under fire for was the fact that the data was based only on 12 test subjects, and that none of them were healthy to begin with. When approached with this information, the researchers who were involved in the study retracted their claims, and the study was declared invalid.

Currently, although there is still a lot of suspicion surrounding the subject, there has been no concrete evidence found linking autism to childhood vaccines in any way. In fact, there are studies being conducted at this moment, trying to prove that autism is in fact caused by a genetic element, but it is still in process, and no results have been released as of yet.

Though many parents will research and hear about childhood immunizations and autism, the risks are far worse for your children if they receive no vaccines at all. There is no research to date that proves any kind of link between the two, so you shouldn?t really be concerned with it at this point. If you do have worries or fears about the vaccines, talk to your child?s pediatrician, or do some research on the subject. Just make certain that you also consider the illnesses and diseases that your child could be stricken with if he or she doesn?t get their immunizations, and then make an educated decision based on the information you have gathered. You can bet that as cautious as medical professionals are when it comes to children, if there was any real concern about a vaccine actually causing something as serious as autism, something would be done about it, and the vaccine would no longer be given.

If you enjoyed reading about Autism vaccine, and want to read more about Autism, visit


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Monday, May 5, 2008

Picture Schedules for Autism

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Children and adults with autism are known to have difficulty understanding spoken language. Images, and sometimes text, convey meaning for people who are unable to process spoken language. Research has found that children who use picture schedules are more engaged and less likely to exhibit challenging behaviors. Picture schedules are images and/or text arranged in a sequence that describe upcoming events or activities. Individualized schedules may act as a form of antecedent intervention to reduce challenging behaviors as they may limit the impact of new settings, demands, or activities.

In an article published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in June, 2005, a student with severe autism was exposed to an activity schedule that had been carefully prepared based on functional analysis. This analysis examined contexts in which self-injury did and did not occur. These contexts included attention, demand, play, and alone. The authors found that the student exhibited the most self-injurious behaviors during academic demand contexts and not during the no interaction or play contexts. The authors also found that if a demand session was followed by an attention session, self-injurious behavior seemed to carry over.

A schedule that consisted of a sequence of demand-no interaction-play-demand was compared to a no schedule condition. Results of the comparison of the no schedule/schedule condition found that there was significantly less self-injury during the Schedule condition. In addition, levels of engagement were relatively high during the Schedule condition.

O'Reilly, M., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G., Edrisinha, C., and Andrews, A. (2005). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 35, No. 3.

Our website features picture schedules and communication boards for children and adults. We have generic picture schedules that you may find appropriate or you may customize your schedule or board with our database of over 5000 images. The site is easy to use and completed boards or schedules may be downloaded or we will print them for you.

Julia Lynch is a speech language pathologist with a special interest in autism, visual supports for communication, augmentative communication, and assistive technology.

Her website, features race and culture neutral images appropriate for children and adults.


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Five Strategies For Coping With Autism and Anxiety On Socialization

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Though no parent wants to hear that their child has any of the five types of autism, it can be somewhat of a relief to put a name to what is going on. The best thing about a diagnosis is that the child can get treatments that are meant to help with both communication and socialization. These are both problems for those who have this condition, but with help, they can be overcome. There are some things that parents can do to help, and it begins with finding out how to cope with autism and anxiety on socialization. Early intervention often means good results can be expected for some children.

Before therapies can be started, a thorough examination must be done. The child should be evaluated in all areas they are struggling with due to autism to see what areas need the most immediate help, and what might not need to be addressed at all. Usually one or two behaviors will be singled out as the most pressing, and those are the ones that parents need to concentrate on first. These therapies should always be done with positive reinforcement, and with endless amounts of patience.

1. Speech Therapy: Though there are some children with autism that speak rather well, they can still have communication problems in one form or another. They may have a large vocabulary, but they don?t know how to use it. Some children with autism are very bad at forming relationships because of speech-related communication problems. Speech therapy can help them learn to communicate their feelings and thoughts in a more mainstream fashion.

2. Desensitization to New Environments: Therapy focused on this area is done when a child always acts out with screaming tantrums away from home. It can be used for tantrums in any situation. The idea behind is to take the child to an area that they struggle with, and when the tantrum ensues, they are removed and they go home. The next time they visit the spot, they only go in for a short amount of time, usually less than a minute. The time is slowly upped in duration and when paired with positive feedback and rewards, this form of desensitization can be a very useful tool. This can help a child cope with new places such as entering a classroom setting.

3. Self-Awareness: These skills will help children learn to relate to themselves and that in turn helps them relate with others. When they can learn to manage their emotions, they can learn more about the same emotions in others. That helps them in understanding what the other person may be saying or feeling, and once that is accomplished, communications are better managed.

4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This therapy also helps a child understand and manage their emotions, and can go a long way towards helping them express themselves rather than having no other way to express emotion except through a tantrum. It can help them relax in certain situations that are normally anxious, and can also help with obsessive behaviors of all types.

5. Medication: Some parents will refuse to put their children on medications to help anxiety during socialization, but there are times when it can greatly benefit the child so it is worth being open minded about this option.

Some children with autism can suffer from deep bouts of depression or may have ADHD. So, medication is something that can be discussed at length with your child?s physician or you may wish to investigate alternative forms of treatment, such as natural supplements or complimentary therapies to reduce autism and anxiety on socialization.

Grab your free copy of Rachel Evans' brand new Autism Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you and your family find out about autism strategies and for information on high functioning autism please visit The Essential Guide To Autism.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Autism Statistics

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It is quite well known that at this point in time there is no actual cure for autism, yet an earlier diagnosis of the disorder will help in selecting a treatment that will help the individual better cope with day to day life. Therapy may be in two different forms, depending on the degree of autism exhibited by the patient. In examining the autism statistics, the earlier the therapy is started, the more positive will be the results. in general terms it appears that treatment administered to a child between two to three years old, has the most chance of success. Waiting until the later ages can decrease this result by as much as 36 percent.

Steady Rise Over Two Decades

According to the latest autism statistics, the number of children diagnosed with autism is rising steadily. It appears that since the 80's the number of people afflicted with this condition has increase by 600%. These children can only hope that their therapy will start before they are three years old and even then the chance of a total recovery is less then 40%. Doctors say that the autistic child?s nervous system is not set up properly and that therapy will prevent further damage and partially repair the problem. Every year that delays the therapy appears to allow the nervous system to solidify and stabilize its condition making it harder and harder to effect proper repairs.

The most unfortunate thing is that less than 10 percent of the diagnosed children are recommended for therapy, and only 3%-4% actually do receive treatment. the reason for this is that the therapy is expensive and costs more then most people can afford. The autism statistics clearly indicate that a minimum of 25 hours of therapy per week is necessary for any hope of improvement. The costs are prohibitive and the government does not have sufficient funds or the priority to help. Many parents, will try and undertake special training themselves so that they can administer the required therapy and help their autistic child. In the absence of a better solution this will have to do for now. The real solution is for the government to recognize the need to step in and provide help. Only then will this problem even begin to be resolved.

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Autism Info Blog. Click here for more helpful information on Autism:

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Hope For Autism - The Concept Of Symptom Free

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I first developed the concept of becoming symptom-free of disability when I was working on my Career Development Award from The National Institutes of Health. As a brain scientist working for the most rigorous medical research facility in the world, I discovered that many disorders thought to be due to permanent brain malfunction could actually be improved to a symptom-free status.

Brain Based Communication Disorders

At this time, many years before my own autistic son, Whitney was born, I was studying 4 populations:

1.Preschool Children With Language Disorders

My staff and I evaluated 600 Head Start children per year for 12 years and provided a multiple therapy approach to help children become ready for school. Our average Headstart child was 2 years behind and was within normal range after 20 sessions.

2.School Age Speech-Language impaired Children

We evaluated thousands of children as an outreach program to private schools and offered hospital based outpatient treatment for children who were having trouble at school due to language processing disorders.


I treated thousands of stutterers world-wide and wrote Stutter-Free Speech (Charles Merrill Publishers), which lead to awards from The White House and an Oprah interview.

4.Brain Damaged Hospital Patients

I provided rehabilitation team services to in-patients and out-patients with brain injuries and strokes. My work was honored by many federal agencies, and featured on the cover of USA today. My articles are recommended by The American Speech & Hearing Association as examples of Best Practices.

Changing the Brain

All of these populations have symptoms in attention, memory, listening, reading, writing or speaking. At the time of our research in stuttering for example, this disorder was thought to be a chronic life long disability. Therapy was organized around support groups to manage living with the problem or therapy to desensitize you so you did not feel as bad when you stuttered. I headed a research team working on helping stutterers become symptom free which resulted in changing how therapists view stuttering world wide. As a result, I began to see other populations of the communication-impaired differently and started setting goals for symptom free with all of my patient groups. From this research we learned how to make step by step plans to change the brain to reduce or eliminate symptoms.

Turning Disability to Ability

We found that the fastest way to reach a symptom free goal is to evaluate and train positive behaviors. With stutterers for example, instead of working on getting the stuttering to stop, we worked on teaching the behaviors that would compete with stuttering and replace the behavior. Now we do that with the symptoms of autism. We teach the attention, memory and communication skills that compete with autism to replace the symptoms. As a result, we are able to turn severe disability into life long ability.

Dr. Cheri Florance is a brain scientist with training and clinical experience in how to teach the brain to replace symptoms of communication and language disorders. In her books, Maverick Mind, ( ) and A Boy Beyond Reach ( ), she describes how she taught her own autistic son, Whitney to replace disability with ability and become symptom-free. To learn more about her own personal journey and successful methods visit her complimentary Learning Library at


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Thursday, May 1, 2008

How To Have A More Balanced Autism Diet

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Many children who have autism are deemed to be picky eaters. Though this might just seem like another behavioral problem, the truth is that there are many reasons why this might happen. Some medical problems could be the root cause of the fussy eating, but it might mean talking and working with a doctor to get these children to eat a good autism diet so that they remain strong.

Sometimes the reasons are very simple, but that does not mean they are easily corrected. When a child has problems eating enough of the right foods, it is important to keep trying to get them to eat what will make them feel better.

Some picky eaters have problems simply because they aren?t hungry. Though there might be times when this is natural, it usually happens when a child is on some type of medication.

Autistic children can also have ADHD symptoms and be taking medication to suppress behavior or they might be on medications like antibiotics. These can both have the side effect of a suppressed appetite. When a child is taking these, and won?t eat, it might be a good idea to see if there is an alternative that might not have such an affect on hunger.

Children with autism can also have problems with their digestive system. If they have acid reflux, or a history of diarrhea, constipation, gas problems, or any other type of digestive upset, this might be why they are not eating.

If the foods cause pain or discomfort, and an overly uncomfortable feeling of fullness when they eat, they might resist eating to avoid that feeling. If they experience pain after eating, they may associate that feeling with food and won?t eat. In this case, acid reflux medication might help, or anything that contains ginger might help with soothe some of the pain. A doctor may have more advice on this as well.

Some children don?t have a medical issue when it comes to eating, but the problem is something that is related to the mouth. Those with poor motor skills might have problems getting the food to their mouth, or they may choke when trying to swallow. This turns them off from eating.

They might also have hypersensitive reactions to the textures of some foods, and they may only eat what feels good in the mouth. Those with poor motor skills will benefit from oral-motor therapy that helps them with chewing and swallowing. A child might have a better time eating if they use a straw for liquids or if there is a way to desensitize their mouth before they eat.

Keep reading to sign up for the free Autism newsletter that addresses the signs and symptoms of autism and discover natural treatment options available, as well as more information on the link between diet and autism.

A concerned parent should talk to a doctor about their child and autism diet problems. They may have suggestions and may be able to switch out medications to find ones that won?t cause a child to lose his or her appetite. If something like acid reflux is the problem there maybe a medication to help with that. A doctor may also be able to suggest ways to supplement the diet to ensure your child is getting the correct nutritional intake. There are many supplements on the market that can help a child regain dietary balance, but it is important to find out from a medical professional what is best for your child first.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter about autism diet and discover more on the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Autism And Discipline ? It?s All About Consistency

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Nearly all parents struggle to find the right way to discipline their children, and there are some families in which discipline is lax or even non-existent. However, when it comes to children with autism, discipline is not only important, it can be hard to implement. Parents must think of autism and discipline in different ways when thinking of how they want to approach this, and they must also be sure to ask for help if they think they are failing.

Three important things to remember when it comes to dealing with discipline for autistic children is be positive, be consistent, and to be timely.

It is recommended that most of the discipline for autistic children be positive. This means that the positive behaviors should be rewarded as much as possible and the negative ones should not be rewarded with a lot of attention. This is good advice for any child, but is very important for children with autism.

When children have bad moments, it is important for a parent to figure out why. They may just be acting out in a naughty manner, but they may also be experiencing tension or frustration.

If they are frustrated, this is an excellent time to remove them from the situation and to show them breathing or relaxation techniques they should use when they feel that way to help them calm down. It might take a while, but with some perseverance they may be able to learn to use them.

When it comes to mom and dad, discipline must be consistent. That means that the punishment should come immediately following the offense. If parents lack consistency they will lack control.

The same punishments should be used each time. If parents decide they want to use the 1-2-3 method, they have to use it every time and there has to be an outcome if they get to ?three?. You cannot count to two and then go back to one or the child will know they can get away with things.

If a time out is the punishment after ?three? is reached, this has to be enforced no matter what. If not you run the risk of losing control of the moment and the situation, and the child has learned nothing positive.

There should be no waiting for the other spouse to get home to deal with the problem or to reprimand bad behavior, as the child may be confused when they are being punished long after the event took place. Timing is essential.

However, it is important that both parents be equally involved in using discipline so that the child does not learn to act up in front of the parent that is known to pass the buck when these things happen.

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Each offense should be dealt with in the same manner, as this gives the child a clear picture of what will happen when they do something that they should not be doing. Any delayed punishments will not work with a child who has autism.

It is also important for parents to remain calm. Try to avoid yelling or out of control actions. If you?re feeling frustrated should walk away from the situation to calm down. Parenting is hard for any parent, but with the extra stress of autism, things can easily get out of control even for the best of parents.

Each child will learn about discipline in a different way, and as long as the punishments are just, immediate, and consistent, there should be some progress being made. Dealing with autism and discipline is never easy, but with practice, you can learn to cope.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter about autism and discipline and discover more on the signs and symptoms of autism.

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