Main Signs and Symptoms of Autism
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The autistic disorder is a spectrum of many converged symptoms affecting attention, perception and thought. The condition varies from mild to severe and the shown behavior is inappropriate for the age.
Autism is classified as a condition belonging to the disease group called pervasive Development Disorders. The three major areas affected by autism are behavior, communication and interaction. When at least six of the symptoms of these areas damage occur, a temporary diagnose of autistic disorder can be established. Further testing is necessary. Children that do not exactly match autistic criteria are usually classified as suffering from a pervasive development disorder.
All autistic patients suffer from the impossibility of interacting with others and communicating with them. Autistics are characterized by aloofness, desire to be alone, and difficulty in being around people. They cannot express their needs and wishes and use gestures and pointing instead of language. Children with such problems reject the society and this one rejects them back. They need life-long care and special attention according to their personal needs.
Autistic patients have difficulties with integrating senses. They show an abnormal response to one or more sensory movements; receive sounds like painful and light hurts them. Other senses like touch, balance, smell or taste are disturbed as well and their reaction to pain is frightening and painful. They are though very sensitive to non-routine behavior and hardly get used to changes in their environment. They show a repetitive behavior and can continue doing one thing in spite of others trying to talk to them.
Although playing is used as a form of therapy, most of the patients prove an impaired behavior towards play, gross motor skills and little eye-contact. In spite of their well developed hearing sense, they act as deaf and ignore verbal cues, react by extreme distress without any actual reason. Hypo- or hyperactivity characterizes their actions and they always resist changes in their routine.
Instead of using normal logical language, autistic children repeat particular words or phrases; this is known as echolalia. Other major signs are abnormal laughing or giggling and the evident speech and language absence or delay.
Autism makes patients resist cuddling and show strange attachments to different objects. Ways of interacting with people are abnormal and they show tendencies to spin objects. The knowledge of communicating with others seems to be disturbed and they never find the right language or manifestations in a certain context. Children cannot sustain a conversation or understand other person? point of view. They tend to use facial expression and body language instead of verbal communication ways.
For greater resources on Autism or especially about signs of autism please click this link
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