Cure Autism

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Child with Autism

Click Here To Know The Simple Methods To Effectively Spot The 31 Signs of Autism



"Hi! My name is Gian Vincenzo. I am autistic. Don't worry. I'm happy."

....this hermitage has a great thing to do with my concerns and activities for my second son, Gian Vincenzo, who will turn 6 years old on January 10, 2007. He is diagnosed with autism.

Gian was born 6 summers ago, a robust, APGAR trouncing 7 pound baby. Up to his 18th month, he exhibited the progression of any normal kid - voracious appetite, geometric growth, rudimentary speech (dada, mama), facial recognition, in short, the works.

All of these went downhill and faded to oblivion when he went past 18 months. He withdrew, literally, from the world.

Words disappeared. He could not distinguish his parents from anybody else. He held his hands in his ears for the faintest of sounds, but totally ignored the Parokya ni Edgar ear-splitters blaring from his big brother's mini-compo. Instead of the bright eyes that we have known before, now he stares with empty glances at nowhere - not focusing on anything yet focusing on everything all at once. He would cry at the slightest touch of cotton buds on his ears. He would cry when he wants ice cream and he cannot, for the world, say these 2 words. He would be sickly- a regular patron of pediatricians and hospitals suites semi-annually.

At first, there was denial and rationalization. People we know, even doctors, gave Gian the benefit of the doubt that,because of his gender, he might have a slight delay in speech, and gave him 6 months. Then another 6 months. Then another 6 months. This slight delay is not getting slight anymore.

At 3 years of age, we could not wait any longer for Gian to speak "Mommy" and "Daddy". Off we went to a garden variety of specialists, you name them, Gian has gone through them. Pedia-neuros, Neuro developmentals, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Special Schools ( 3 of them), Occupational therapists, Speech therapists. Gian has gone through in 6 years what I haven 't gone through in my 39.

We then found "Intervention Partners", a Pasig based center led by experienced Sped specialists, on July 2006. At this point, Gian has still to say a single word - at 5 1/2 years old, and we were in "desperate" mode. The center is a practitioner in Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA).

In retrospect, "Intervention Partners" was God's gift from heaven.

From July to December, in a short span of child-time, Gian went from zero vocabulary, to single words, to identifying words with pictures, to constructing simple subject-predicate sentences. He can now verbalize what he wants, what he feels. He can listen and follow simple directions. He can sing the whole "Lupang Hinirang" and "Ave Maria" in his American accented diction. He can discern Caltex from Shell, spell all the colors of the rainbow, count from 1 to 10,000 (in increments of 1,000) forward and backward. On his own, he is now learning a few Tagalog words.

Truly an accomplishment. At this point in time.

The road ahead is still paved with gravel, thorns and IEDs. Gian has a life ahead of him, and though we did not let the dice of Fate get a chance in his first 6 years, we still wonder if they will play their cards in his next 6 and beyond.

Gian will turn from childhood, to adolescence, to adulthood. At some point out there, we will be called to meet our Maker, and the mere thought of leaving him behind to the Fates, the Elements, and God forbid, The Philippine Goverment and the BIR, makes us shudder.

As a continuing legacy, I have inaugurated as simple website for Gian, Contained in it is Gian's Weblog , which I would fill with his journals - from Gian's perspective.

Also included is Gian's Autism Forum , which I hope to be a source of online interaction for parents, teachers, practitioners, in their common quest to know and overcome this mystery called Autism.

Again, Merry Christmas and a blessed 2007!

Hi! My name is Gian Vincenzo. I am autistic. Don't worry. I'm happy.

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