About The Basics Of Autism Diagnosis
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The earlier autism is diagnosed, the better facilitation of prognosis is done. Treatment and hopeful cure follow afterwards.
The problem though with autism is that it is often hard to diagnose. Not only that there is wide spectrum of autism-related diseases but mainly because most symptoms only manifest during certain phases of developmental stages.
One of the many essential features concerned with children of autistic disorder is their tendency to create odd interests and poor attention and focus. Additionally, they also deficit in social interaction. Most authorities in this subject affirm that these features clearly indicate autistic factors yet they admit that these are not enough to diagnose autism among children younger than 3 years old.
Moreover, the inconsistency of symptom manifestation often hampers the proper diagnosis of autism more than the abnormality itself. There are virtually lots of factors affecting this inconsistency.
Autism can also be correlated with other conditions such as mental retardation, childhood psychoses, Asperger disorder and a couple of other neurological disorders.
Often, diagnosis begins through these three determining factors. Keep in mind though that evaluation of these three stages would not suffice the data so as to conclude that a child truly has autistic features.
Physical and neurological examinations
Examination of medical history including those that manifest through relatives. This also consists of birth history and developmental conditions, and Medical tests to help rule out other diseases
Diagnostic criteria are used to formally determine if a child is truly subjected to autistic features. Comprehensive diagnosis can be done through routine developmental screening which concerns mostly all developmental features that are absent or deficient with autistic children.
Say, if a child fails to show the following features, he can be initially diagnosed as candidate for autism:
Babbling at his 1st year
Development of gestures on his 1st year
Ability to say single words at I year and 4 months of age
Spontaneous phrasing of 2 words at 2 years old
Any diagnosis should be done by experts and people who have a professional experience with autism and children development issues, do not be tempted to sign your own verdict on your child, or any other child, because of fears and bad thoughts that you may have. In many cases borderline symptoms of autism combined with extensive treatment resulted in a normally developed child
Autism is a major concern for parents and caregivers in the first few months of a baby?s development. The wide range of symptoms and the difference in the level of behavioral difficulties make autistic diagnosis something that is done only by experts in this field. Learn more about Autism Diagnose at http://autism.advice-tips.com
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