Cure Autism

Monday, March 24, 2008

Top 5 Common Symtoms Of Autism In Children

Click Here To Know The Simple Methods To Effectively Spot The 31 Signs of Autism



There are more and more children being diagnosed with autism today. There are new forms of higher functioning autistics being diagnosed, and that leads to higher numbers. Many times children were labeled as being shy or painfully introverted when they really had autism. Though the lower functioning and more common form of autism are easily spotted, those with Asperger?s were often missed or dismissed. Parents that know more about the different symtoms of autism in children will have an easier time recognizing if their child needs further evaluation.

Social Relating: There is a common thread that seems to connect all children with any form of autism. These children have problems relating with others, and in particular, have problems with their peers. They struggle to relate, and they have huge anxiety when trying to form or keep relationships. This causes large amounts of frustration, and many end up alone, avoiding those feelings. They can?t really relate to many things emotionally, though that is different for higher functioning children. In many cases, group activities are just too much for them.

Communication: Some with autism never develop any type of verbal communication. There are others who begin to talk, but then regress. Higher functioning children can have a great vocabulary, but are limited in how they choose to share it. Many of them choose to use gestures rather than talk at all. Those who have some skill might latch on to phrases that they hear and repeat them over and over.

Reaction to Stimulus: Another symptom of autism in children that parents often notice early is that they seem to have exaggerated reactions to many things, or that they have no reaction at all. Many respond to things in the most inappropriate manner. They may cover their ears at tiny sounds, or they may not even blink if a horn were to go off nearby. Some have problems with touch, and seem overly sensitive when touched by others. They may seem like they are in pain from a slight brush of the hand or a simple hug. Others can react violently to bright lights maintaining eye contact can be difficult.

Unusual Behavior: There are many different types of problems that appear in autism. Behaviors are often over-the-top and out of whack with others of the same age. They have a tendency to over-react to things and have tantrums at the slightest variation in schedule. They might be misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder before the proper diagnosis is found. Repetitive motions and actions are also quite common.

At Play: There is some play involved for some children with autism, but some do not play at all, at least, not in the traditional way. Many who do play will play on their own most of the time. They often feel great frustration and anxiety when they are expected to play in a group or with one other child. When they play on their own, it is marked by the repetition of the same motions or action. They appear to be in their own world while at play, and may ignore everything exclusive of the thing they are doing.

Many of the symtoms of autism in children are obvious right away, but they can remain hidden. Some function very well, and these things might not come to light until they are in school or pre-school. When a parent thinks there might be something wrong, they should look for evaluation. No matter what the diagnosis might be, it is smart to remember that some mistakes are made, and some children are said to have autism when they don?t, or that they don?t when they do. If the diagnosis seems wrong, consult with another doctor when there is a change in symptoms.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter about aspergers and discover more on the signs and symptoms of autism.

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