Cure Autism

Friday, March 21, 2008

Understanding Autism Statistics

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It would seem there are more alarming autism statistics each year. These are often hard to comprehend, and can be very misleading if you don?t understand what you are reading. Autism is a blanket term for quite a few different conditions that are all related, yet vary in degree of function.

Asperger?s is a relatively new term that covers a wide range of higher functioning children and adults. This is something that is relatively new, and people are now just getting the proper diagnosis. Though it would seem that the numbers of those with autism is rising almost out of control, it may be that diagnosis has been wrong in the past, and it is now easier to make the proper one.

If you go by the number presented in 2007 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 150 births will result in autistic children. This number seems scary, but the actually cases are probably about the same as before, but many others just were not known or could not be diagnosed. Some of these children had never been seen by a doctor, and many grew into adulthood with a different but wrong diagnosis. They may have been living with autism, but they were thought of as introverted, troubled or disruptive.

If you go back to the findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2001, it was estimated that about 1.5 million children and adults are living with autism. The statistics from that year in comparison to this year would leave you to believe that the cases of this condition are rising by 15%. That seems alarming, but it might show in increase in proper diagnosis rather than an increase in overall cases. More and more children are now being diagnosed with autism when they would have normally been left to fall through the cracks and suffer needlessly.

There is some good news, even though the numbers seem to be very troubling. It would seem that an early and proper diagnosis might help avoid some of the costs of raising and caring for a child with autism. Most of the extra costs are ones that occur in adulthood, with some people requiring care for their entire lives.

When a child is diagnosed early, they can go through programs designed to help them communicate and socialize with others more effectively. This lessens the costs associated with caring for them when they reach adulthood in most cases. Though many children with autism are unlikely to fully integrate into society, some manage their condition well and go on to have pretty normal interactions and jobs when they reach adulthood.

The rise in Autism statistics can not be attributed to bad parenting nor is it something a person can ever leave behind, but through the proper support and intervention they can lead happy and fulfilled lives.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter about aspergers and discover more on the signs and symptoms of autism

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