Cure Autism

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Some Facts about Autism

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Autism, according to child psychologist Leo Kanner, is a disorder present at birth or soon after birth characterized by withdrawal from reality. Here are some facts about the possible causes of child autism...

Autism is one of the mental and behavioral disorders classified under the Pervasive Developmental Disorders or PDD. This is a group of disorders characterized by severe and pervasive abnormalities in social-interaction skills, presence of stereotyped behavior, interest, activities or lack of imaginative play.

What is Autism?

Autism, according to child psychologist Leo Kanner, is a disorder present at birth or soon after birth characterized by withdrawal from reality. This developmental disorder can usually be diagnosed when the child is about 2 years of age. Generally, a child at this age should demonstrate an interest in others, communicate verbally, and possess ability to learn from the environment while an autistic child couldn?t manifest them. This disorder is more common in boys than in girls.

A child with autism usually appears aloof and indifferent to the people around him. Socializing with other people does not come easy for an autistic child. There is great difficulty in either verbal or non-verbal communication. Consequently, the child refuses to play with other kids, and would rather play alone. One of the major symptoms of autism is the inability of the child to make eye contact with other people.

However, it is difficult to diagnose a child below 2 years old.

The causes of autism are the following:

1. Between 1940 to 1960, psychiatrists believed that mothers were primarily the cause of this disorder. They believed that it happens in children with ?refrigerator parents? who are cold, aloof and indifferent to their children.

2. Now, it has been studied and agreed to by the experts that the cause of autism is multifactorial. These factors include: genetic or chromosomal abnormality, viral agents, metabolic disordersFeature Articles, immune intolerance and perinatal anoxia.

Source: Free Articles from

The author, Jose Feliciano, is personally involved with autism having a family member with this disorder. To get more information about autism, visit his website at This article may be freely published as long as the author's info including the link remains intact.

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